Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My Next Program

Below is the logo for my next program, InkChat. The program allows you to chat with your friends not only with text, but also with a pen! Anyway, I'd really appreciate everyone's opinions about the logo. And don't say it's good because you know me, or don't want to offend me. I'd be offended if you couldn't be honest enough to say it needed some work. Because obviously it does. My main dilemma right now is the ink puddle, and the splotch under the "k" do I include those or not?


Anonymous said...

You know, I think that I'd prefer the logo sans blotch and puddle - I think that it would be much cleaner with only the words "Ink chat". If you do keep the puddle, maybe you could make the border less strictly geometric?

Anonymous said...

P.S. - I like the logo :)

Anonymous said...

I have two options to suggest:
#1 Remove the ink drop and puddle and shift Chat to the right:
The Ink would would be slanted handwritten cursive and Chat can stay in printed text.
#2 Correct the ink drop and puddle. Now the ink drop looks more like a coma. I would make the ink puddle more rounded with rippe effect. See the following links for ideas:

Anonymous said...

Julia, when are you going to update your LJ? It is much easier to keep track of what is going on there than on the BLOGSPOT. Your friends have been patiently waiting for the update for over a year. Come back to LJ!
