Monday, May 08, 2006

5 Things Money Can't Buy, and a Puzzle

5 Things Money Can't Buy:
1. Intelligence. Meaning the ability to follow logical reasoning. Although you may be able to hire a tutor and train yourself, you cannot immediately buy your own intelligence because you have to practice in order to gain it (which nearly anybody can do).
2. Immortality (currently). By immortality I mean the ability to not physically die. As of now, we still have no way to make people immortal.
3. Money. No reasonable person would give you $10 for $5. Unless they're crazy, in which case it doesn't count.
4. Obedience. By obedience, I mean obedience to you (the person with all the money). If you try to buy a person's obedience, then they are not really being obedient to you, but to the money you give them. So they are not directly listening to you.
5. My expo marker. I'm not selling it.

A Puzzle (heard it in class today):
Bob knows he has one sibling other than himself, but does not know whether this sibling is a boy or girl. What is the probability that this sibling is a girl?

Hint: It's a trick quesiton.


Anonymous said...

3. numismatic collectors do exactly that (

Julenka said...

Point taken. I guess I don't really consider old money to really be money, but rather a collectible. When you trade an old 5 cent piece for 100 dollars, you aren't really buying money with money, because you don't treat the coin as money but as a collectible. That's what I mean. Also, keep in mind that by "buy" I mean buy directly, so buying something like a rare coin (or stock) and then selling it for more money isn't buying money as I define it. It's buying stock. Or buying a collectible.

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.