Monday, August 25, 2008

A Surprise in the Mail

I received a nice surprise today in an orange envelope, first class mail. I didn't receive a scholarship, get a job offer, or win a million dollars. Instead I received a plastic bag filled with puzzle pieces that made up a giant letter my friend Sarah had written me.

I've gotten some pretty interesting messages in the past (in the form of cookies in the mail or flowers falling from the sky, courtesy of my ex-boyfriend), but I've never gotten such an interestingly packaged letter. Receiving and putting together this letter was definitely the highlight of my day. I've taken a few photos and a video of the puzzle going up on my wall, if you're interested.

I'm always surprised by how much of a difference things such as letters or cookies can make. Getting a letter from any of my friends always brightens my day. I sent Sarah some cookies, which inspired her to send me this giant letter, which I then put on my wall to remind me every day that somebody in Seattle cares about me. Sending surprises in the mail is something I am looking forward to doing more of in the near future (more about this in my next post).

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