Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Why I Haven't Posted Much

I haven't been posting much recently. That picture is why. I've been spending most of my time designing and writing a blogging client for my CSE 490 class. Why is this hard? Well, because accessing databases is incredibly complex, and making this complex process user-friendly is even harder. Right now my blog looks like a blank slate with a little logo and some random text. Not exactly pretty, or user friendly. Oh well. That's for next week. About 50 things happened to me since I've blogged, all of which I'd like to write about but don't have time. Maybe I'll get to them all some day. Here they are:
Interviewed for Microsoft.
Got an offer for doing full time summer reserach with Tablet PC.
Interviewed and got into the Honors in Rome Program
Ran for an hour
Got 100 catches of 5 clubs
Got a guitar

I think I've exceeded my events quota for the entire month. Hopefully nothing will happen to me in the near future so that I can catch up on all these events. Meanwhile, I've got a test to study for. So, I'm off.

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