Saturday, February 11, 2006

I Had This Impulse...

To start a blog. For my first entry, I will lay out my terms:

This Blog's 10 Commandments:

1. No chronicling of daily life in the form, "First, I did this, then I did that..."
2. Only mention aspects of daily life if they are unique, or interesting.
3. Attempt to illustrate what life is like as a juggler, physics and computer science student, english teacher, and karate student.
4. Don't offend anyone.
5. Don't reveal overly personal information.
6. Try to give puzzles and paradoxes on every post.
7. Make rules.
8. Follow them.
9. Don't write what isn't worth writing.
10. The beauty of blogging is you have time to express what you want--so think before you type!

Okay there they are. I think I will post these on my profile somewhere so they don't get lost.

1 comment:

Jonathan McKay said...

I would venture that no. 4 is impossible to accomplish and no. 7 is now impossible not to accomplish.
