Saturday, April 22, 2006


So, after 10 hours of painstakingly difficult work, I'm finally done enough with my project to turn it in. Finishing this project was a harrowing experience. I sat up from 9 pm until 7 am first commenting, then simply tweaking and prodding my project until I was happy with it. To be honest, I'm STILL not at all hapy with my result. Although my blogging client looks pretty nice and simple, it really doesn't have all the features it could and should have. First of all, I couldnt' get my file menu to display (even though I have all the proper code for a file menu...for some reason it just doesn't show up). The other thing I'm a little upset about is that I didn't get to implement the search function even though it would have been relatively easy to do for me because of the way I structures the program. That makes me angry since because of this my program will never actually be usuable since people will have to scroll for their friends. I really should have included a search function. Maybe I'll write one and stick it in even after the due date. So then, what took me so long? Well, it was mostly the design. In case you don't know, design takes forever. So does commenting. But the problem with design is it takes a long time to figure out what you're doing right or wrong. It takes time to pick out the perfece way for something to look. So I ended up going back and forth between options because I wanted my blog to look perfect. I sacrificed functionality for looks. It was a sacrifice I was willing to make, mostly because looks are really important when it comes to stuff people will be using. Also, this was more of a challenge for me since I was pretty sure how I'd pull the search off, but I was completely in the dark when it came to design. I dunno...I think my design turned out OK. I hope Gayle liked it.

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